A Virtual Private Network or VPN is used to extend a private network across a public network. In Domino's case it allows for those individuals with an authorized account  to access the services on the Domino network remotely as if you were still in the office.

Please note that for the VPN to function you will need to have been access to the internet. 

Below you will find instructions on how to connect to the Cisco VPN.

Show your hidden icons on your task bar and left click on the highlighted icon below:

Input the address vpn.domino-printing.com in the window which opens and click Connect.

You will be prompted to select your account or enter your Domino credentials on the window that appears.

After a couple of seconds you will see the below, and will now be connected to the Domino Network. The Cisco AnyConnect Icon will also show a small lock symbol indicating a secure connection.