Network drives contain many documents and folders that are accessible by many users across the business, it is not uncommon for files and folders to accidentally be removed or misplaced meaning that the information has to be recovered. All users with access to folder have the capability to restore its contents to a previous backup. 

The process for doing this detailed below, but please note that this process only works for network files as local files saved onto your device are not backed up.

To restore a file or folder, navigate to the area where the file/folder was. Right click on the selected folder and go to Properties

Select Previous Versions. This will show you different backups of the folder. It can go back around 6 weeks. To restore a file/folder, select a date you wish to restore from and click Open, this will then open a new window showing the contents of that folder from the requested date.

Open the folder to check that the data is correct. If correct you can copy and paste any or all of the folder to its original folder location.