When you use agile for the first time there are some recommended actions to take, this will guide you through your first steps into using Agile PLM.

Available systems, there are two systems, the Production system in which you should do your normal work and the Test system, that can be used for training and familiarisation. The data in the test system is periodically refreshed from Production so should be largely representative of production use.

System URLs 

Production: http://agileplm.domino-printing.com:81/Agile/ 

Test: http://agiletestplm.domino-printing.com:82/Agile/


Most user will use the old style windows logon with initial underscore family name i.e. John Smith would be j_smith and your password will be the same as your windows password. Some user who are not part of the Domino Active Directory system may have different username / password; contact MIS if you have not been informed of the logon you should use.

Setting Up Your Preferences 

File Manager: Depending upon what Domino Group company location you are working from you should set your file manager to the nearest for best performance.

To change your preference, click the little ‘body’ icon in the top left of your screen, then click the  preferences tab. In the system preferences section you will see preferred file manager, check the setting against the table below. If you do not have an optimal setting click the edit button and change the setting as required.

Domino Site you are located at

Preferred File manager setting (recommended)

DUK(BarHill) / All other sites / External VPN Users


Domino Laser (Hamburg)


Mectec (Malmo)


Email Preference (right below the file manager): Default setting (recommended), is ‘no’ for the TEST system and ‘yes’ for Production. You can turn emails on or off in either system, but be aware emails are the primary way of the system notifying that you have an action or approval waiting for you. If you enable emails in Test while you are, training / practicing remember to turn them off after to avoid confusion.

You will see other preference setting that you can change as well, but its recommended to leave these at the default setting until you become more experienced in using the Agile system.

Workflow Routings Page Setup

The default setting for a new account is only to show pending approvals for that last 90 days, its recommended you set this to ‘all’.

Click the home button, then if not selected, the workflow routings tab. At the right hand side of the window use the pending drop down menu to set the view to ‘all’. This will ensure no approval are hidden from view because they have been waiting to be approved for a long time.