This guide explains how a user can redirect themselves to an alternative Agile File Server.

There is a master file server in the UK, but some other offices are given a local proxy file server.

A local user points their Agile client at the local file server. This file server caches copies of files passing between the local users and the Agile servers in the UK.

If a user asks for a file and the correct revision exists on their local file manager then the file is passed to them from there.

If the correct revision doesn’t exist, then the file is pulled from the Agile server in Cambridge to the local file manager. The local user can then use that local file.

Changing a user’s File Manager

The User can click on their Settings button :

Under the Preference tab they will find that they can edit their choice of File Manager.

These are the File Managers:

iFS1 = Bar Hill UK

iFS2 = DPA Sweden

iFS3 = DLG Germany