Which Security Access Group should I use?




Fluids parts and assemblies (solvents, dyes, inks, wash, makeup, etc.)

Documents that define the design of the fluid (requirements, test results, test report, etc.)


Highly Confidential Fluids applications development


Access to Highly Confidential Fluids Design Material accessible by Domino India


Printer parts and assemblies (mechanical, electronics etc.)

Documents that define the design of the printer (requirements, test results, test report, etc.)


As above, but only those items where the design data needs to be accessible to Domino India.

Printer parts and assemblies created by Domino India.


As above, but only those items where the design data needs to be accessible to Domino China.

Printer parts and assemblies created by Domino China.


Products created by the Global Sector Solutions (GSS) team which have a limited distribution (mechanical, electronics, software, etc.)

Documents that define the product design (requirements, test results, test report, etc.)


Products created by the SerialTrac team which have a limited distribution (mechanical, electronics, software, etc.)

Documents that define the product design (requirements, test results, test report, etc.)


Products created by the Nagoya team which have a limited distribution (mechanical, electronics, software, etc.)

Documents that define the product design (requirements, test results, test report, etc.)


Printer Software.

Documents that define the design of the software (requirements, test results, test report, etc.)

When adding as level 4 group (L4), you will also usually add the corresponding L1 or L2 group e.g.

IAG-L2_DesignCenters & IAG-L4_DesignIndia, IAG-L2_DesignCenters & IAG-L4_DesignChina

This also applies to the below:

IAG-L1_FluidsDesign and IAG-L1_FluidsIndia

NO SECURITY PROTECTION REQUIRED: all parts external to the printer e.g. sensor, brackets; mechanical fasteners e.g. nut, washers; PCB components; documents defining comms protocols and interfaces to printer products.

If you accidentally use a security group you are not part of, you will be locked out of your Agile object – you will need to contact someone in the accidental group or raise a call with IT to have the security group changed to the correct one.

Design Centers = Domino PA, Domino Laser Germany (DLG), Graph-Tech, PostJet, R&D and DP at Cambridge, Fluids design teams in Cambridge and Liverpool.