In Domino, not every user has access to all areas of our network file storage.  We implement Access Control to ensure that users can only access the data necessary to their job role. 

If you find that you are unable to access an area of the network that you require to do your job please follow the below instructions.

From the FreshService home screen select Request New Service

Search Network this will show you all Network related requests. 

Move your cursor over the Network Drive/Folder Access Request and click the Request Now button when it appears.

Fill in the fields as required. Please be sure to put the full Folder Path required (i.e. \\dps.local\Group\xxxxxx) and select the appropriate access from the drop down menu.

Click the Place Request button to finish raising the request. A member of the IT Team will be in touch when the access has been granted.

Once this has been completed please proceed to Network Drives - Mapping a Network Drive