If you are encountering issues with synchronizing files to OneDrive, check the following and rectify accordingly:

Do they contain any invalid characters:  ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }.

Certain file names cannot be uploaded (e.g. .lock, CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM0 - COM9, LPT0 - LPT9, vti, desktop.ini, any filename starting with ~$).

Please bear in mind there are some limitations with regards to file/folder names:

Each segment of the path can't be more than 255 characters due to operating system limitations.

The length of the OneDrive root folder (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\OneDrive - Domino Printing Sciences) + the relative path of the file (up to 400 chars) cannot be more than 520 characters.

You can also clear the Credential Manager but you need to ensure that you have signed out of all Microsoft apps.
To sign out, open any Office application (e.g Outlook), click File > Account > Sign out and the quit all Office apps.
Next search for Credentials Manager from the task bar.

Select Windows Credentials.

Under Generic Credentials, look for any entries containing “OneDrive Cached Credentials” and MicrosoftOffice16 and MicrosoftOffice15 credentials and Remove all.
Restart any Office app such as Word and sign in again.

 Also check Control Panel > Sync Center > Manage Offline Files and ensure this is disabled, especially if running out of disk space

If the above doesn't work, please download and install the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant
Run the assistant and select the relevant option for assistance with your issue.