Due to connectivity issues, Takamasi Yamaguchi has a TP-Link GSM modem. Below are the steps to get the device working and connected to the internet.
When the SIM is fitted, then all LEDs will come on (after a few seconds delay).
The WiFi and Power LEDs will stay on. If the SIM is working straight away, the Internet Connection light comes on.
Users can connect to the device via WiFi.
The WiFi password is inside the back cover of the dongle.
What if the Internet LED does not come on (not Internet connection)
Connect to the device using WiFi, entering the password that is inside the back cover.
Open a web browser and put in the address
I noticed that the Connection Status (unlike the picture below) said Connecting which meant that it didn’t have an internet connection
Enter the default password of admin and then you are forced to create a new password for the next time that you login to the device. Accept all other defaults.
You will then see the Status screen which was still showing Connection status Connecting
Click on Dial-up Settings and it should show what appear to be details it has read from the O2 SIM fitted in the device.
The Contract Type said “PAY AS YOU GO” so I changed it to “CONTRACT”
Then the Connection Status changed to Connected and the Internet LED came on.
Now while connected to the dongle via WiFi, you can browse the internet.