The UK IT team will give you access to the booking system by adding you to a "security group". This will provide you with a SmartWay2 room booking button in Outlook. 

When you create your calendar entry, click on the SmartWay2 button to help you find a desk,

The first time that you do this, you will need to tell it that you are using the Domino room booking system. Enter dominops

A form appears allowing you to book resources including desks.  Not all features on this form are used in Domino at present, so be careful about which features you choose.

You can see the hot desk locations on the map, so choose the desk that you require.

Either on the map or by scrolling left and right through the choices of resources.

If you cannot see all the desks, the click on Locations and check that you don't have desks filtered out

When you find the room that you want, then tick the box and then select OK

Now that your request is available to Outlook, click on  Attach this Request

Your booking is now available in the Calendar request