Problem: After upgrading to the latest build of Java 8, users are experiencing issues with both Oracle and Discoverer:

  • Unable to access Discoverer:

  • Unable to copy and paste data in Oracle.

Solution: Follow the below steps to uninstall the latest version of Java 8 and re-install a previous build.

Check if you have the latest version of Java 8 and uninstall it:

- In the Windows Start menu, type ‘Configure Java’ and click on the menu option that appears:

- In the Java Control Panel window, click the 'About' button to check your current Java version. If it shows Java 8 Update 351 or later then you are using the latest version and will need to uninstall it.

- Close the 'About Java' window and click 'OK' to close the Java Control Panel window.

- In the Windows Start menu, type ‘Control Panel’ and click on the Control Panel menu option that appears:

- Ensure that the ‘View by:’ option is set to ‘Small icons’ and click on ‘Programs and Features’:

- Scroll down to the entry for Java 8 and double click the row to uninstall. Click ‘Yes’ when prompted to uninstall it.


- If prompted, enter your Windows user name / password and proceed with the uninstallation.

Install Java 8 Build 341:

- Navigate to the below folder on the network and copy the 'jre-8u341-windows-i586' executable file to your desktop:

\\dps.local\Group\DPS-plc\Group_IT\User_Install\Java_Update_Oracle\Java 8

- Double click the executable file to initiate the installation.

- Follow the steps when prompted to install Java 8.

- After installation, in the Windows Start menu, type ‘Configure Java’ and click on the menu option that appears:


- In the ‘General’ tab, click ‘Settings’:

- Check that the 'Keep temporary files on my computer' option is unticked. If not, untick this option and click ‘OK’:

- Click on the 'Update' tab, and uncheck the option for automatic updates. Click 'Do not check' when prompted.

- Click the ‘Security’ tab and click on ‘Edit Site List’:

- Check whether the below URLs exist in the exceptions list. If any are missing, click the ‘Add’ button and enter the URLs as new rows.

Note: If prompted with a Security Warning window after adding each URL, click ‘Continue’



















A picture containing application 
Description automatically generated

- Click ‘OK’ on the Exceptions Site List window

- Click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ in the Java Control Panel Window.

- Close all web browsers and open Oracle in Microsoft Edge to login to Oracle or Discoverer.

- After logging in and launching the application, the below window will appear. Tick the checkbox to accept the risk and click ‘Run’:

- If the below Warning message appears, click ‘Run with the latest version’:

- The application will load automatically.