In the event that a system still is not showing up in the Xensam portal after 48 hours or information appears incorrect the following official troubleshooting procedure has been provided.

  1. Download the PSTools from Microsoft at the following link and extract it under C:\Libs on the affected system: PsTools - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn
  2. Open the Command Prompt with Administrator privileges and run the below command from the PSTools folder (C:\Libs\PSTools)

psexec -i -s cmd.exe

  1. Once that's done, open Services and check if Xearch is running. See the picture below:


  1. Stop the Xearch service if it is running
  2. Navigate to the installation folder (C:\Program Files\Xearch) in the Command prompt window you just opened and run:

xearch.exe -connect


and then


xearch.exe -now


The last command can take a few hours to run since you have done a fresh installation on the machine, but let it run until it finishes and send me a screenshot of the result. Once the connect command has been executed please make sure to start the Xearch service in Services again.