As part of regular inventory management, it is important to keep track of whether devices are currently in use, in storage, under repair, or event no longer with the company. With Xensam, we can have created a custom set of variables that you can use to make your job easier without relying on large excel tables or having to check in with your users.

This will only apply to computers that are fully registered with the Xensam portal so if you don't see your device listed, make sure that the Xearch Agent is fully installed. Additionally, if you would like to edit records in bulk rather than individually please scroll to the bottom of the article

Modifying a Computer's Details

1. Navigate to the device by searching based on its serial number, host name, or user and open to view the device dashboard where you can view general details about this device.

2. From the device tabs, select the Custom Fields Option

3. We can now view the current custom fields we have set up for within Domino. From here we can set the following and much more

Standard Apps - This is for listing any applications added that are useful to the owners position (ie. Teamviewer, R-Drive, Adobe CC, etc.)

Location - For describing more specifically where a system may be (ie. Back Closet, Shelf 2, Row B)

Life Cycle - The device's current status (in use, retired, undergoing repairs...)

Person Responsible - This is useful for servers or kiosk systems which are not operated by a regular user account and need a contact on record

4. Select the Edit option in the bottom right

5. You can now edit the custom fields as well as any additional fields such as purchase date, price, or add notes. Select Update when finished

Changing Details in Bulk

1. From the Computers > Manage section of the Xensam portal filter out all of the systems you wish to edit (ie. Name, Model, Status...)

2. From the top right menu, select the Multi-Edit button

3. Select the items you wish to edit via the checkboxes

4. Select the field you wish to change in bulk as well as the value and select Update