Security keys are a new service being adopted by Domino IT for employee account protection. They are physical devices in the form of a usb dongle that provide an additional layer of authentication for account login. They enhance security by requiring users to have both something they know (like a password) and something they have (the physical security key) to access their accounts.

Security keys use public key cryptography to verify the user's identity. The key pair consists of a public key, which is shared openly, and a private key, which is stored securely on the device. When logging in, the device signs a challenge from the server with the private key, and the server verifies it using the public key.

Availability within Domino

Security keys will only be made available to employees under specific circumstances with management approval. This is due to the inherant cost of maintenance as well as the risk of device theft.

Rules regarding usage

Security keys shoud not:

1. be shared among employees

2. be requested by employees through an IT request

3. be connected to computers when not attended. They should remain with employees or in their general vacinity at all times

Setup Process

1. Navigate to your Microsoft Security Settings

To proceed in this section, you must have your Security key available in hand, and ideally be logged into your Domino computer. 


Click the below link and log in using your Domino Credentials. You should see the below page listing ways for you to authenticate.

II. Set Up your Authentication Method

  1. Select the Add method button

2. From the window that appears click the drop-down menu and select Security key and Add

3. You wil llikely be prompted to authenticate and sign in via an existing method again. Complete as necessary

4. Select USB device for the type of security key that you have

5. Have the Security key ready and select Next. Then connect it to a usb port on your laptop or desktop

6. Windows will prompt you to where to save this passkey. Select Security key and Next

7. At the prompt select Ok

8. Select Ok again

9. You will prompted to setup a security pin code. Enter an 8 digit pin of your choosing. This will prevent anyone who has stolen your pin code from being able to use it.

10. Touch the security key on the circular touch sensative panel


11. Your Security key has now been assigned to your account. Select Ok


12. Enter a name of your choosing for the security key

13. Select Done to finish. Your Physical security key is now complete