1. Download Extract the Emulator files from Athena - https://athena.domino-printing.com/groups/41767/posts/4877249-gx-series-cx-series-printer-emulator-gx-v7-5-firmware-x-9-5-0-cx-v4-5-firmware-
2. Copy the folder and place it at the root of your pc (C:\). (If it is not at the root of your system the file path while running will be too long to function)
3. Check that Virtualization is enabled from the Task Manager of your PC in the Performance tab. If it is not enabled activate it from the system bios
4. Check that Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Subsystem for Linux from the Windows Feature menu as seen below (this will require a reboot)
5. Once the needed Features are present install Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS and VcXsrv from Company Portal
6. Download and run as Administrator the following update for Windows Subsystem for Linux - https://wslstorestorage.blob.core.windows.net/wslblob/wsl_update_x64.msi
7. Start Ubuntu from the start menu
7. You will be required to set up a new Unix username and password (the password text will be hidden while typing for confidentiality. Hit Enter when submitting your username and password to proceed)
Running the Emulator
1. From the installation directory locate the 1. Start Emulator folder and run StartEmulator.exe
2. A Command prompt will run (it may start minimized). From the available options enter [R] Run Once
3. From the window that loads locate your emulator file for either Gx or Cx