The following steps will ensure that the correct software and current recommended driver for Windows 11 is installed to ensure the Domino Service Key website can be used.
Please note that all software/drivers related to the Domino Service Key have been uninstalled before attempting the installation below as it can cause issues if there is duplicated drivers/software.
Please download the required software using the following link - Domino Service Key
1. Install "DominoKeySetup.msi"
a. Double Click the downloaded DominoKeySetup.msi
b. Go through the install clicking next, leaving all the defaults in place until successful, then you can click close.
2. Extract the "Sentinel System Driver Installer"
a. Right click the downloaded .zip and select extract all
b. Click Extract
3. Once extracted run the setup.exe from within the Sentinel folder
a. Right click the setup.exe and click run as administrator
b. Click next and then accept the terms in the license agreement
c. Click next and then install leaving all defaults in place
4. Run the "DominoKey.bat" file
a. Right click the DominoKey.bat and click run as administrator
b. The DominoKey.bat will run and will show that it has succeeded.
Now that all software has been installed correctly and the latest Windows 11 driver, please ensure that Chrome has been downloaded from the company portal ready to install the IE Tab Extension.
5. Install IE Tab
a. Open Google Chrome and Visit the following webpage -
b. Click the "Add to Chrome Button"
c. Click the add extension button - You will receive a popup that shows IE Tab has been installed successfully and the IE Tab documentation will open in a new tab.
d. At this stage, please log a Freshservice ticket so that IE Tab can be licensed under our global agreement. Once IE Tab is licensed, please continue to step 6.
6. Using Domino Service Key Website
a. You can now navigate to the Domino Service Key website in chrome -
b. Once you are on the website please relaunch using IE Tab from teh extension that you have installed.
c. the website will now reload in IE Tab and you are able to log in and re programme your service keys as needed.